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Solo Exhibitions

Solo Exhibition “Holding and Containment of a good enough painting”, LIC Arts Open Gallery, New York, February 20th – March 13th 2020

Press release

Solo exhibition “Transitional Experiences”, Ashok Jain Gallery ARTd4, New York, NY, Oct. 1st – Oct. 15th 2019

Solo Gallery Show with selected oil paintings at NYA Art Center/ NYA Gallery, New York, NY, August 1 – August 31 2019

Solo exhibition, oil paintings, Keshan Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 2012

Solo exhibition, oil paintings, Kerimov House, Kardzali, Bulgaria, May 2012

Solo exhibition, oil paintings, Nikolay Rainov Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011

Group Exhibitions

Selected artworks/oil paingins, NYAFAIR, 7 Franklin Place, New York, NY 10013, August 1 – August 4th

Group exhibition, NNAIVart, „...в сандъка църква скрита...“, Polish Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 30th- August 30th, 2011

Group exhibition of students and professors from the department of Fine Arts, Helikon, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009

General group exhibition, Sofia University Gallery, Departments of Fine Arts, 2008

Group exhibition, Sofia University, department of Fine Arts, 2007

Annual group exhibition, Sofia University Gallery, Department of Fine Arts, 2006

Gallery affiliations and representations

SingulArt, Online Gallery

Saatchi Art


Art Market Magazine, Issue #46. April 20th, 2020

ArtAscent Magazine, April 2020

Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis blog, March 2020, “How can we wake up from this bad dream?”

Video Empathy, Ira Simidchieva Solo Exhibition Opening Night at Lic Arts Open Gallery

Art Hive Magazine, 10/2/2019

Cross Connect Magazine, Sept. 2019

Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis blog, 2019, “What is common between psychoanalysis and art?”

Art Projects as author and participant (2006-2009)

Art project @, November 2008, Sofia. Bulgaria - The project accomplishes an artistic intervention into the communication medium as a negative environment in the context of the postmodern situation. It is a performance-action-intrusion into a strategic public space. The concept of speech destruction and communication in the context of the postmodern situation and the invasion of the information technologies is represented through an interference into the official public technological space. The concept refers to a switch of functions and an abuse of the public media space for the purpose of communicating a personal message – a call for awareness of the communication problem through provoking the state, authorities, the public and the global social system.


Urbofobia, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria - The Urbophobia performance deals with the problem of urbanization and its connection to claustrophobia i.e. the uncontrollable erection of new buildings in the modern cities nowadays which oppresses the people and turns them into claustrophobics in their own home. The performance presents its authors’ personal attitude towards this environmental as well as psychological issue and tries to expose publicly the negative psychological effects modern cities have on their inhabitants


Cannibalismus, Multimedia Performance, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria - Manipulator’s manipulation. The project aims at attracting the public attention towards the issues ecology – environment – animal protection. The mass media are used for that purpose. A TV commercial is produced advertising the consummation of human meat. The performance-action is used to shock the public and the mass media are used as the means of “manipulating of the manipulator” – a switch of roles. Parts of Gandhi’s ides are used as a fundament.


Legendary youth exchange, Art residential program, July – August 2007, Kielce, Poland


Re-Construction, Performance/ Residential program, June 2007, Poland - The project plans work in contemporary arts by gathering together of young artists working together in small groups at various workshops. The intended fields of work are installation, performance and video art, whereas the final goal is the realization of a final presentation in the form of a common performance, combining the results of the work done in the three workshops. The starting points of this project are important problems of the present day such as ecology and natural protection. On one hand, the project gives the participants the opportunity of creative and artistic growth; and on the other hand, it enables their civic awareness and active social engagement.


Local Committee for Prevention of Anti-Social acts by Minors and Juveniles – Art workshop leader with delinquent minors and children form marginalized groups, December 2007


Noom eht fo Edis Detniap Eht, Art project/Performance, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, The Painted Side Of The Moon - The project is based on a research on the ancient Phoenician culture. Its concept deals with pragmatism. Pragmatism=disbelief=death


The existing nonexistence, Performance, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria. The project is based on a research on the ancient Thracian culture. The main concept refers to the author’s belief that man dies even before one’s physical death; it also deals with the issue of human choice and civilization in general. Poems by Daniil Harms and fragments of ideas from “Beyond the pleasure principle” by Z. Freud are used as part of the project’s realization.


Immortality, Group exhibition and Performance, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria



NNAIVart, non-for-profit artist’s organization (2005-2015)

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New York, United States

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Ira Simidchieva
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